[Op-Ed]: Jamiu Death and Politics of Desecration in Kwara State By Comrade Mashood Lanrey Osho

Innalilahi wa innailaihi Rajiun!! meaning we belong to Allah and indeed to him we will return-Quran 2:155-157.

It’s sad enough to write about the demise of your friends, associates and it more painful reflecting on the exits of your blood brother (sibling) it’s a memory that will continue to last longer in one’s mind.

Thus,death is inevitable it’s a price that every leaving soul will surely pay nobody will escape it,as emphasized in Quran 2:155-157 quoted above.
if every leaving soul remember this then why bragging with materials thing that can be loss overnight? We came to this world with nothing and we shall leave with nothing -Surah Al-Ambiya(21:30) it’s as well stated and we accept it as God decision in (Surah Tawba, verses 51)Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us.He is our mawla (protector) and in Allah let the believer put their trust.meaning everything in our life is written so what’s the point?

Furthermore, Timothy 6;7 in the Bible international version stated it clearly that for we brought nothing into the world and we can’t take nothing out of it .both Muslim and christen need to understand this and take everything in this world simple as life are transit.we can loss everything overnight they’re materials thing that God Almighty bestowed on us they’re transit.

For the sake of posterity and for kwarans to learn from our ordeal, I will narrates how we was treated by those we think can assist us financially, morally and intellectually or use their network to carryout the kidney transplantations Jamiu was diagnosed .

My younger brother jamiu was diagnosed with kidney failure sometimes February 2022 we have since spending money on his health without appeal for financial assistance from the public not until January 2024 three years after when we were told that he would need twenty million naira(20,000,000) for kidney transplantation treatment exclude donor cost implications.as a family with low income that aren’t finacial buoyant only depends on God and as first born of the family we are helpless than to seek for financial assistance from government that do not priotize human life, failed in their responsibility to procure dialysis machine that could ease treatment of thousands of the victims and support parents or guardians financially.

It’s interesting that some northern states governor’s subsidized kidney transplant treatment and procure dialysis machines at subsidized rates reverse is the cases in kwara state. We expect government to come to our rescue only to be told that was no approval for our request to save human life? What a pity? We should remember former deputy Senate president Ike Ekweremadu now in jail with his wife for the same sickness jamiu my younger brother was diagnosed just to save their daughter for the same sickness. Ekweremadu and wife has never envisage they could spend a month in prison not to talk of year’s. life is temporary there is life after power we should get this clear and humble our selves.it is not about me but,who is the next victims?who is the next?

It’s also disheartening that those who call themselves philanthropist are politician, non of them come to our rescue after series of communication with them and their aide nobody ready to assist.they only offer assistant when election are near so their philanthropical only center to trade their political ideology time will expose them more.it is time for kwaran to wake up and separate real politician from philanthropist before we will be rape with their deceitful political trade call philanthropist posterity will surely judge.

It saddened my mind that masses that can’t afford three square meals sent from their megre saving like from #300,150,500,and #1000 naira to us just to support us and save the life of my younger brother,I must appreciate those that supported us financially just few of them are politician not holding any position presently or before and childhood friends that donated 100,000 and 50,000 to us they’re few may Allah replenish their pocket in multiple.

With jamiu death couple with what we passthrough,I discovered that thousand of people are going through the similar situation I will register an NGO with corporate affair commission (CAC) that will offer support to the kidney failure patient’s, raises awareness, provide education about it’s causes and prevention, the advocacy will be taking across Nigeria collaborate with state’s governments and lawmaker’s that are serious to save life, lobby state’s house of assembly to enact law to mandate every state’s to set aside fund’s for the treatment and procure dialysis machines.

I must say that jamiu death is a call to save lives and am ready for the tasks.

Statistics revealed that over 27 million presently expose to renal ailment.272,400 die of kidney disease yearly according to guardian newspaper of march 14th- 2024.as an advocate of human rights, equity, justice and fairness, author of two different books, Anti-corruption crusader co-eight petitioner’s to Anti-corruption agencies against diversion and poorly executed of constituency projects and co-four court cases against corruption and injustice through ENetSuD this is a call to save people lives and I have answered.am ready for the tasks.

May God Almighty Allah grant Jamiu Aligant fridous and protect those of us he left behind against such health challenges, protect us against evils mind and grant us long life on earth to do good for those that need and deserve it.

Posterity will surely be kind to everyone of us we should desist from playing politics with human life.i didn’t take it serious when people said no Government will honor my request that am one of their enemy,how does advocating for transparency amount to be an enemy of the government? May God help them the truth to know.

Comrade Mashood Lanrey Osho is a Human right activist, columnist, author of two different books and public policy analyst on several radio stations in kwara state.

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