Oluwatoyin Luqman Bolakale (Satcom) – A man driven with vision and mission to achieve greatness By Abdullahi Loke Onimasa

Many are called by the sagacious name “leaders” but only few proven worthy of being called leader.
By dichotomising every sector of life, individual and others development, Satcom is worthy of being called leader at any level, he’s someone driven with zeal to achieve and to attain greatness.
Not only focusing on its own interest but also carrying his own proportionality to espouse others in order to liberate and emancipate them for a better living.

Coming back to helping people with the little he has, he can sacrifice upto no measured length to solve people’s problem whether with his personal capacity or consult.

SATCOM is always a man of honour and high intelligent without a solipsistic character, very sagaciously oriented, magnanimously focused and driven with unflinching and unbreakable Raison de’etre.

He’s the CEO of SATCOM MEDIA, the owner of the number one proliferated and fastest growing New media arena in Nigeria, an unbiased and non sentimental news platform unlike others, not an inventor or accelerator of fake news to get cheap popularity.

He’s a brother, a leader and a friend to whom I owe many unflinching loyalty and support because he had stood gallantly beside me when others reject.

Keep transforming lives, never get tired of helping people, never get tired of leading as the Almighty will never forsake you.

With utmost respect and happiness I celebrate with you on your birthday, may it brought out the blessings in you, may SATCOM MEDIA keep growing positively.
May Allah SWT bless you abundantly.
I pray for you this day lifetime of longevity and prosperity.

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