National Mosque Chief Imam Urges Unity Among Muslim Clerics

Abuja, Nigeria – The Chief Imam of the National Mosque, Abuja, His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Abdul Kadir Al Salman Sholagberu, has called on Muslim clerics to shun bitterness, enmity, and slander, urging them to unite and promote harmony in the interest of the Muslim ummah and the nation at large.

Dr. Sholagberu made the call during his inaugural Jumu’ah sermon at the National Mosque in Abuja, emphasizing the importance of scholars and preachers embracing unity and cooperation.

He expressed concern over the growing trend of public disputes among Islamic scholars and preachers, stressing that differences in opinion should not lead to envy or open conflicts.

The Chief Imam reminded scholars of their vital roles in society, comparing them to teachers and doctors, and urged them to lead with wisdom and humility.

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