Like Gaius Augustus of Roman Empire, Like AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq one year in office; A Sociological Evaluation By Abdulrauf Taofeeq Alada

Gaius Octavius Augustus was a Roman statesman and military leader who became the Emperor of an empire that reigned between 27BC and 14AD. Octavius Augustus successfully led Rome’s transformation from Republic to Empire during the tumultuous years.
The little Gaius became famous for his excellent eyes and approach for effective governance by successfully initiating and restoring the outward facade of the Roman Empire with enduring and long lasting legacy.
In ancient times, Gaius was one of the rulers with with many praises and few blames.
This day last year, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq after becoming victorious at the poll, took the oath of office, there by made him 7th democratic elected Governor of North Central State, Kwara.
Before the time, every structuration either human or physical was seen in absolute deterioration, thus gave great indication about what new helmsman should see as herculean to make outstanding changes in a very short while.
Even then, many people were being skeptical about his skills of Governance, thus referred him as just a manager with no leadership trait.
Universal truth about real leader according to former President Yaradua;
*The opportunity to lead in whatever capacity on its own does not confer leadership; instead leadership is earned after the discharge of responsibility honestly, sacrificially and to the best of one’s ability.Only then can the beneficiaries of services selflessly rendered recognize such a person a leader*.
Preliminary evaluation about AbdulRazaq’s administration so far,  shown that AbdulRazaq’s thorough Manager-leader trait has brought every kwaran to start hoping in government; the benefits of governance are gradually coming down to people devoid of age, race, gender and political consideration; which was why I likened him to resilient and famous Gaius Augustus!
AbdulRahman’s pro-people initiative has convincingly proved the skeptics wrong by demonstrating thorough leadagement approach by building both new political and leadership structure in Kwara state.
To mention but few, AbdulRazaq’s achievements had cut across the sectors of government, including Infrastructural development,
complete reforming of adminstrative structure, the financial system became stable, consistent with record of managing funds prudently and efficiently which wasn’t  so in the past..
He has competently ditched the marathon period of profligacy and graft that had arrested state’s development in the last eight years through his visionary leadership.
Ìbèère òkiñ se oni sèè, but the 365days after Otoge, AbdulRahman is fairly breaking the new ground of possibilities.
However, like Gaius, AbdulRazaq’s achievements are not without areas of few complaints; to talk the necessaries, I will want to air my opinion, there is a need to take sincere and gentleman actions on the issues below
*AbdulRazaq’s promises and SUBEB Backlog of Arrears*.
*SUBEB Arreas seem not forthcoming*
Many politicians thought that empty campaign promises are just the best way to fool and woo the voters with no intention of implementing the talks, this is not an ideal of true democracy, which I think AbdulRahman will not want be known for.
 it is a known fact that Kwara is a civil-servants state whilst teachers and local government employees also fearlessly took part in the struggle that dislodged Saraki led structure.
It is very obvious that, the art of listening is the driven force for effective implementation of policies; His Excellency should not renege his promises about the salary Arreas for Subeb and local Government employees..
In addendum, I want to remind and implore the present administration to keenly look at the genuine concerns of SUBEB employees and any other categories by paying their outstanding allowances that had long  over-due.
*AbdulRazaq’s Ascension and party Imbroglio*
Otoge movement was one of the most potent mantras adopted by different party across the nation, this mantra was greatly accepted by Kwarans championed by some party gladiators and Cheiftans.
It is a general knowledge that present democratic setting in this part of the world has not embraced independent candidacy nor do any party can also be without major drivers.
The case today within the party ranks has turned sour, in fact most of the party explorers/gladiators before and during the elections had been claimed to be sidelined and felt disgruntled and unsatisfied.
I can’t but to change an unprofessional impression of some people that are asserting that politics is different from governance, thus it can’t be separated, because in real sense both concepts are interwined that the Chief Executive must causiously strike fair balance.
In governance, every fair person will commend the ongoing giant strides of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq across sectors and sixteen local governments of the State.
As spectators, the unresolved party crisis has brewed up major concerns about the internal animosities which could be inimical to the party growth in the state.
It will be of great benefit for the Governor to accommodate peace and extend the hand of olive branch to some he perceived as progressive souls among them to avert any potential distraction in office and to protect your head as Ambode couldn’t do in Lagos.
May AA Succed.
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