Gov. Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq – A blessing to humanity by Kure Abdulganiyu Yusuf

Decades ago, it’s hard for kwarans to smile because of the oppression from the disgruntled government, change was clamoured and indeed God bless us with AA.
Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, A man with intellectual experience, a father figure, husband material, a man with  exponential exposure and technical know-how on how to tackle and solve various issues and matter arising.
Only when Kwarans has lost hope, only when we’re sober and sad, God gave Ramoni to us, the governor that empower every aspects of human resources, ranging from Infrastructure, youth (students inclusive), old ones, education and lots.
Should we mention the countinuous and consecutive construction of roads, or the entitlement paid to students, the soft fund given to the old ones (owo arugbo), the empowerment rolled out for Kwarans, many jobs creation and most importantly working with the youth to achieve greatness.
Celebrating a year in office with fleets achievements is an achievement on its own.
May Allah SWT ease your personal Affairs and make you fulfill all your promises to Kwarans.
May Kwarans never regret having you as our Governor.
May God never forsake, we wish you good health and energized power to sail the ship loaded with worries.
May Allah guide you.
Congratulations Gov. Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq
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