AI-Generated Girlfriend Defrauds Man Of $28,000

According to state broadcast station, CCTV, scammers used generative artificial intelligence software to create realistic video and still images of a young woman, whom they presented as the fictional “Jiao.”

Liu transferred nearly 200,000 yuan (nearly $28,000) to what he believed was his online lover’s bank account after the scammers used the fake images to persuade him that his “girlfriend” needed financial help to open a business and cover a relative’s medical expenses.

In order to make the story more believable, a fake ID and medical reports were created, CCTV reported.

The scheme was orchestrated by a “scammer team sending video and photos that were all created through AI or made by combining multiple images,” according to a police investigation.

It added, “Throughout the process, Mr. Liu never met Ms. Jiao in person.”

A video showcased various AI-generated images of the fictional woman in different scenarios, including one where she posed with a paint palette and another standing on a city street.

Earlier this month owners of Facebook, Instagram, and Thread, Meta warned internet users to be wary of online acquaintances promising romance but seeking cash, noting that scams making use of generative AI were on the rise.

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